Saturday, August 22, 2009

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Which Agassiz is collecting against our views on the Amazons. Though he has done so much for science he seems to me so wild and paradoxical in all his views that I cannot regard his opinions as of any value. LETTER 189. TO A. R. WALLACE. Down January 22nd 1866. I thank you for your paper on pigeons (189/1. "On the Pigeons of the Malay Archipelago" (The "Ibis " October 1865). Mr. Wallace points out (page 366) that "the most striking superabundance of pigeons as well as of parrots is confined to the Australo-Malayan sub-region in which. . . the forest-haunting and fruit-eating mammals such as monkeys and squirrels are totally absent. " He points out also that monkeys are "exceedingly destructive to eggs and young birds. ") which interested me as everything that you write does. Who would ever have dreamed that monkeys.
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